Tuesday, August 16, 2011

{and running} in iowa

This blog is about my life here in Iowa.

My life as a wife.

My life as a full-time work horse.

My life as a wanna be chef.

My life as a runner.

Too bad it doesn't seem that I've shared much about my running on this little old blog lately, considering it takes up about 50% of my life.

So here's a quick little update about where I am at with my running as of late:

  • I am training for the Twin Cities Marathon
  • I am hoping to qualify for Boston at the Twin Cities Marathon
  • The Twin Cities Marathon is less than 7 weeks away
  • I have yet to put a plan on paper for the Twin Cities Marathon

Sure, I've been running, but not following an "official" plan for a race that I am hoping to qualify for Boston at, is kind of making me nervous. I shared this thought with my mom the other week and she quite bluntly reminded me that I've been training since at least 8-weeks before the Fargo Marathon (which was in May).

Mom's are always right.

But alas, I haven't really been keeping track of how many miles per week I've been running (except on DailyMile when I actually log-in. Hey - be my friend on DailyMile!), nor do I have days set aside to do specific runs (tempos, speed, etc).

With all of that being said, my last few runs have given me a little boost of confidence that, yes, I will be able to maintain an 8:15 mile pace for 26.2 miles on Sunday, October 2.

Monday, August 15th - 17.01 miles at 9:31 pace (including an extended stop at home without stopping my watch)
Sunday, August 14th - 8.05 miles with 6 miles are marathon pace (whoops, those 6 miles clocked in at 8:03, 7:56, 7:55, 7:52, 8:00, and 7:59), 8:19 pace overall
Saturday, August 13th - rest
Friday, August 12th - 6 miles at 7:20 pace (whoopsies again! This was supposed to be an easy 4 with a few 100-meter pickups).
Thursday, August 11th - rest
Wednesday, August 10th - 11 miles at 8:10 pace
Tuesday, August 9th - 8.5 miles with 5 x 600 meters at 10K pace (technology free run, no splits)
Monday, August 8th - taught Spin class + 4.2 mile run at 7:51 pace
Sunday, August 7th - rest
Saturday, August 6th - rest
Friday, August 5th - 20.01 miles at 8:55 pace

I really really hope I am on track to qualify. If I don't do it at Twin Cities, I need to find another marathon to run in November sometime.

Hmmm....maybe I could find one in England??!


  1. I think you are on track to qualify and I think you will BQ at your next race!!

  2. I think you are doing amazing for not having a written out plan! You are getting your miles in and you are being fast...that is all that matters! Heck, you might surprise yourself on race day because you are more mentally prepared since you don't have an excel spreadsheet telling you if you are a good runner or not!

    Good luck!
