Sunday, August 21, 2011

coming home

We all know that I have fallen in love with Iowa. And as much as I would love to move back to Minnesota to be closer to my family and friends, that just is not in the picture (at least for the next couple of years). What would it matter brother and sister live on the other side of the world and my mom and Roger travel there every week is seems - we might as well move to Europe to be closer to my family. Hmmm....interesting idea.

I digress.

I love Iowa.

Iowa wanna be...

Iowa, and Washington in particular, has a certain charm to it. If you have visited and stayed for a while, you know what I am speaking of.

Small town charm. Big city access. Activities abound. Nature to explore.

So it was only a matter of time before our friends, who ditched us for the great state of Alaska, felt the tug to move back.

It didn't hurt that our friend's dream job became available and she was quick to throw her hat into the ring.

We picked Debbie up from the airport last Sunday for a short two day visit. In those two days we caught up, toured Washington, I reminded her of all the fantastic food I used to cook for them, visited old friends, and Debbie nailed her interview.

Like nailed it.

As we said goodbye to her on early Tuesday morning, I was on pins and needles, anxious to hear if she was selected for the position.

Don't judge us - this photo was taken at 3:59AM, clearly we were way too busy to take photos the prior two days!

In my heart, I knew she would get it, but was hesitant. I didn't want to get my hopes up too much.

Luckily just two days later, we heard the news.

Debbie got the job and would be moving back before October.

My heart sang and I did a happy dance, for approximately 3,423 hours. (Yes, I am still doing the happy dance.)

Welcome home Ben, Debbie, Sammy and Baby #2!

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