
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

1824 + 500 = stuff for you!




Horizontal snow.

I kind of feel like I am in Minnesota right now.


Even Maia is having issues adjusting to these Minnesota like conditions.

Kind of fitting for today.

Because today's a b-i-g day in the PS household.

Today is February 1st.

Today, I can say I have lived in the great state of Iowa for 1824 days

That would be 5 years folks. 

Yes, five.

Five years. Four more years than I was supposed to live here.

I've lived here so long, I feel that I could wear this shirt and get away with it.

What I really want is a shirt like this:

Iowa wanna be...

Yes - I will admit it - I love Iowa. I love living here. All the lame Iowa jokes I heard growing up in Minnesota (and I am sure I shared a few along the way) are wrong. Iowa is awesome.

FIVE YEARS! Crazy talk, right?

A lot of fun has been had these past five years (Hey - did you know Nic has lived in Iowa for 7 years?!)  I can't even begin to list all of the fun we've had.  Maybe you should just scroll through a few posts to see for yourself...

...all 500 of them!  That's right - I told you it was a big day!  This is our 500th post.  That's even crazier talk!

You know, I am not a popular blogger which is totally cool. But the blog has grown over these past years.  What started off as a blog to keep our families updated on our life in Iowa, has grown into a blog to keep our families + 3 more of you updated on our life and my running in Iowa.  :)

Our first post was short and sweet. Oh so sweet.  Look, we were so young back then!

In honor of me living in Iowa for 5 years (FIVE YEARS!!!) and our 500th post, we thought it would be fun to giveaway a few of our favorite things from Iowa of course!

In no particular order, these are a few of our favorite things (are you singing that line??)::

Backyard Candle Company Pumpkin Cheesecake Candle


Backyard Candle Company has grown by leaps and bounds since I have lived here. Back in the day when I worked at Family Video (don't ask!), I would order these from an employee who made them in her basement. Now they have absolutely the cutest store ever and is my first and last stop for gifts for any occasions.

The pumpkin cheesecake candle is the most delicious smelling candle out there. I promise, once you smell it you won't be able to burn anything else.  My family and friends are hooked and I can seldom go home without bringing them replacements.

My friend Becky's statement pretty much sums up how awesome it is:
I bought a soy candle yesterday at Hallmark- the last one [Backyard candle] you gave me was done a month or two ago and I couldn't wait any longer!  It is cinnamon bun- not as good as pumpkin Cheesecake, but it will do. 
Peace Tree Brewing Co. Pint Glasses and Coasters


Because I am pretty sure I cannot mail actual beer, these awesome pint glasses and coasters from our favorite craft brewer will have to do.  I just raved about Peace Tree Brewing a few weeks ago, (and then got the sweetest shout-out from the brewery itself!) but have no problem doing it again.  Peace Tree is AWESOME.  Get yourself to Iowa stat and find some Peace Tree beer!  Heck, if you come to visit us, we will buy you some Peace Tree beer.

Since we've discovered Peace Tree, we rarely stock our fridge with anything else.

Yoder's Cashew Crack Crunch  


We discovered this amazing treat at Kalona General Store, located a few towns away.  This is another item that Nic and I get requests to bring to Minnesota (Hi Mom and Roger!).  Seriously, it is like crack.  Once you take your first bit, you cannot keep your hand out of the bag.

Made from just three ingredients (butter, sugar and cashews), it is the best candy I have ever eaten. I tried to recreate it a few years ago and failed miserably.

IMT Des Moines Half Marathon

Picture 5

Okay, clearly I cannot give away the race itself, but I can give you ONE FREE ENTRY into the half marathon!  WHOOP!

I ran the IMT Des Moines half marathon this past Fall for the first time and fell in love (recap here).  This is an absolutely beautiful course, flat and fast with plenty of spectator support - all of which lead me to achieving a huge PR for this distance.

2011 marks the race's 10th year, so it is going to be an ever more amazing event than it already is.  I plan on running the half again this October...or who knows, maybe I'll go for the full.  Either way, you can plan on me being in Des Moines on Sunday, October 16th. (Note, this race entry is non-transferable.  Whoever wins, must use the entry or forfeit it.) what happens if you win the free entry for the half marathon, but don't live close by?

One Free Night Stay at a Des Moines Hotel

My favorite radio stations in the state of Iowa, KCII, KNIA and KRLS are generously donating a one night stay at a hotel in Des Moines for you to use race weekend.  Awesome, right?!  Details on the actual hotel will be available at a later date.

Pre-Race Dinner!

I am going to be in Des Moines for the half marathon and if you win, you are going to be in Des Moines for the half, want to go to dinner? :)  Nic and I would love to treat you and one guest to a pre-race dinner on October 15th. Mmmmmm....pasta!


So there you have it - a few of our favorite Iowa things.  I still can't believe I have lived in this state for 5 years.  I swore to Nic when he forced me to move here that we would only be in lame Iowa for 1 year max.  Funny how life doesn't always go according to your plans, right?!

How to enter our giveaway:
  1. Leave a comment.  Tell us what you love about the state you live in.
  2. Leave a comment with your favorite Iowa joke.  We've heard them all people, but this will be fun!
  3. Follow us (and leave another comment letting us know, or leave a comment letting us know you already do)
We will randomly draw a winner on Sunday, February 6th.
    We would like to thank our favorite companies for donating the above items for our 5 year + 500th post giveaway: Backyard Candle Company, Peace Tree Brewing Company, IMT Des Moines Marathon, and KCII, KNIA, KRLS.  Thank you for making this possible and for making years in Iowa great ones!

    {Disclaimer - this post is not intended to hurt the feelings of my super close, awesome friends who have not made the relatively short trek to Iowa to visit us. I mean, it has only been 5 years - that is practically nothing in the grand scheme of things, right? 1824 days - I know they were busy each and every one of those days. No hard feelings, I swear. Only 5 years...shmmfff.}


    1. 1. I love that you're from Minnesota and indebted to return.

    2. 2. You know what Iowa stands for right? I oughta went around.

    3. 3. "I will follow you, follow you where ever you will go!" I follow you.

    4. holy cow kier what a major giveaway! I was just looking at the des moines half last week as a possible half for next fall. free entry fee and hotel would make the decision SO MUCH EASIER!!! :D So yes... I follow you.

    5. The only Iowa joke I know is the I.O.W.A. -->idiots out wandering around. This is probably b/c S.dakota is even worse. :p

    6. To be honest I'm not sure what I love about SoDak. I complain about it and threaten to leave all the time. Hmmmm.... haha.

      Oh wait.... I love that my parents are close by. awwwwwww. ;)

    7. I love Iowa - close to family and good friends

    8. Iowa stands for I Oughta Went to Ames

    9. Of course I follow you, I must know what you are doing at all times....micro managing...

    10. Hi Kier, I lurk on the H&F board on the nest and noticed you're in Iowa, so I've started reading your blog occasionally. I also live in Iowa :) Here's a joke I hear a lot around Iowa/Iowa State football rivalry time - How do you get an Iowa State grad off your porch? Pay him for the pizza

    11. Minnesota is above Iowa in so many ways.....!

    12. Iowegians.....

      A guy from Minnesota has chickens in a sack on his back. He meets a guy from Iowa and say that "if you can guess how many chickens are in my sack, I'll give you both of them."

      The guy from Iowa said .... three?

      (this is from dad....:-))

    13. You know that I follow you...and that I LOVE Backyard Candles .... and CRAVE Cashew Brittle (thanks for the latest fix!). And that I'd run a half-marathon if only I weren't so gimpy....and that I'd ADORE a night and dinner in Des Moines!

    14. Forgot to mention.....that I'm looking forward to Peace Tree Brewing Beer on my next trip down south!

    15. I have never been to Iowa but would totally go there for a race!

    16. And I subscribe to you!

    17. I'll follow your blog! I've lurked on it occasionally via the H&F board so I may as well follow it. I was potentially going to run the full in Des Moines this year (depending on my June marathon performance), but possibly winning a free entry would be awesome!

    18. Ok, Iowa joke. What did the Minnesotans do when the Iowegians threw a grenade over the border? Pulled the pin and threw it back!

    19. And last but not least, what I love about living in Minnesota: My family's heritage is here. We will be moving into my parents farmhouse after my dad retires. My son will be the fifth generation in my family to live there.

    20. I live in Iowa too. It is such an awesome state to live in.

    21. In Iowa, if people are told they have six months to live, they move to Minnesota, where it seems like a decade.

    22. I love your blog. I will follow you.

    23. Ok my friend.. the Iowan aliens that took over your body need to give you back!! Seriously!! YOu know you miss MN and just pretend to love it down there;) Also, if I am not working, maybe you will just have to put me up for the wknd in the PS household and make me dinner and run the half with me;) hahaha.. LOVE YOU!!

    24. Am I supposed to leave 3 comments...(btw if I win...since I live in Sweden, I am entering on behalf of Gretchen and her new house!)

      Sweden is not a state...but it rocks my socks bc everywhere you go they sell cinnamon buns, people love to wait in lines that you can easily go around, and the men are super attractive.

    25. I already follow you...and check the blog 12000 times per day.

    26. I live MD and I enjoy the weather (for the most part). Not too hot in the summer and usually temperate winters.

      I just followed you (I thought I already had?)

      I don't know any Iowa jokes!

    27. Wow, Kier, what a giveaway! I'm from PA. One thing I love? So much local produce and farms close by. I can pick my own fruits and vegetables, talk to the farmers who raise the cows and chickens I eat, and drive next to farmland (sometimes with my nose pinched!) in awe of all that beauty. Just one of the many things I love about PA.

    28. I don't think I know any Iowa jokes. Really.

    29. And for my last entry- I already subscribe to your blog. Love it!

    30. 1. Because i live in the #1 city for bicycles! ;) And sled down giant hills with my kids!

      2.I honestly never told a iowa joke, Nahhh.... I cant remember a joke to save myself!

      3. Of course i follow you, your the goal acheiving women i want to be. But your missing a few kids! keep

    31. It is funny how things work out. I moved to Indiana for two years...5.5 years ago. Still no plans to leave.

      I like that the land is so inexpensive here. We bought 13 acres, we never could have done that at "home".

    32. What an awesome giveaway! I live in a suburb of Chicago and love how varied things are out here! I am from Waterloo, IA, so I don't know any IA jokes! :)

    33. I love everything about living in Texas. But probably the barbecue the most!

    34. This is a great giveaway!

      I don't know any Iowa jokes but google provided this one, which seems to be quite humorous.

      If you're proud that your region makes the national news 96 nights each year because it's the coldest or hottest spot in the nation, you might live in Iowa.

    35. Awesome giveaway items!!

      Given that I live in MN, there's a lot to love :-)

      My family and many friends are close by, we've got 4 seasons, our farm is here, there's awesome natural beauty and outdoor things to do, AND we've got Minnesota Twins baseball. Ok, I'll quit listing now.

    36. Woohoo, some giveaway!

      I like Georgia, um, well because.. at least my hubby doesn't have to commute to work?

      I've actually been to Iowa quite a few times and I like it. Des Moine is one of my DH's favorite places to have a layover.

    37. I don't live in a state. I live in dc. aside from the whole taxation without representation thing, it's mostly awesome. public transit, mild winters, free museums, tasty restaurants, good running.

    38. Sort of an Iowa joke....My husband's airline serves some of the smaller midwest markets. The pilots joke their their slogan should be "If corn don't grow there, then we don't go there."

    39. Although I work in ND and spend most of my time there, I am happy to be a MN resident! I love the birch trees and lakes of MN.

    40. I am a follower of your blog. :)

    41. Everything is bigger in Texas! I would love to travel to Iowa for the half marathon...Chicago is as midwest as I have been!

    42. I don't know any funny Iowa jokes. Kids in elementary school said Iowa was "Idiots Out Walking Around". Not very clever.

    43. I love Georgia, where I live! For the most part we only get a big snow once every 10 years, and I am not a snow loving person. I also LOVE Georgia on a warm spring day with the birds chirping and the sun shining.

    44. I follow you through my blogger identity (still Lisa)!

    45. This is a pretty stupid Iowa joke, but it's all I can think of at the moment.

      What's the best things that comes out of Iowa? I-35.

      After that I have to add that I think certain parts of Iowa are gorgeous, especially some of the parks in the NE Corner.

    46. I don't really have any Iowa jokes, but out here I've heard several coasties refer to the midwest in general as 'flyover land'.

    47. and I shall add you to my google reader. you shall go in the 'food' category.

    48. I live in Maryland and I love being so close to DC. It is such a great city and so much to do! I love being able to not be a tourist when I am there.

    49. I actually don't know much about Iowa except we (IU) played the Hawkeyes in basketball. Is Iowa known for anything?? :)

    50. I am now a follower! What an awesome giveaway!

    51. I'm a Chicagoan, but we live in Missouri...I love that it's so cheap to live here!

      I also love Iowa because I met my husband there!

      I would TOTALLY come run that. It's such a short drive from KC!

    52. What's the best thing coming out of Iowa?

      Interstate 35!

    53. I honestly don't know any Iowa jokes! But let's see, the best thing about living in Ohio is...low cost of living!

    54. And I am officially a follower :P

    55. I live in ND and right about now I am wondering why. It's been cold and snowing since November. I'm over winter and next we have the flood to look forward to!

    56. I love Iowa because this is where I grew up and where I belong. We live in a small community and love it!

    57. Growing up in Iowa, most of the jokes I can remember relate to the ISU vs. U of I rivalry.

      How do you get an ISU graduate off your porch?

      Pay him for the pizza.


    58. 1. Leave a comment. Tell us what you love about the state you live in. - my family and friends live here, that's the only reason I stay.

      2. Leave a comment with your favorite Iowa joke. We've heard them all people, but this will be fun! - no jokes here, I am pretty un-funny, like most Iowagians, except from MN.

      3. Follow us (and leave another comment letting us know, or leave a comment letting us know you already do)- I already follow you silly!

      Congrats on the 500th post! Look at all of the changes you've made!

    59. And...for entry #3, I follow you on Google Reader.

    60. OK: for my first comment, I love (love, love) living in California because there is no snow(!), because locally-grown, organic produce is available year-round, and because I can bike to work (or bus, if there's rain). There's also so much stuff to do here: shows, exhibits, food events -- you name it!

    61. Holy cow you got a lot of comments this time around!

      1) I live in Illinois, what do I love about it? I love my hometown because it's a super tiny farm town where everyone knows everyone. I also love Chicago even though it's kind of it's own state.

    62. Secondly, this is the only Iowa joke I know:

      Q: What's the best thing coming out of Iowa?
      A: I-35!

      (Corny, yes...but I do not have a good collection of state-specific jokes.)

    63. And finally, I am a follower -- you're on my blogroll (on!

    64. 2) I've always heard Idiots Out Wandering Around. But I'll give you one that my Wisconsin call us Illinoisans. It's also slightly inappropriate just fairwarning.....They call us FISH(effing Illinois shiitheads)

    65. I already follow you and here and my google reader :)

    66. The Iowan to the City Guy in the gazillion dollar car... "Yeah, well we spend $250k on a combine that we only drive around for 2 weeks" ...or something like that. It was one of those You Know Your From Iowa When... emails.

      Ha! I suck at jokes!

    67. 1) Well, I'm from Iowa, too. It's a great place to raise a family, but I sure don't love the weather!

    68. 2) Not exactly a joke...but did you hear what Miss Iowa said during introductions at Miss America? Something to the effect of we're the leading producers of ethanol...I'm from Iowa where we give you gas! Oh boy...

    69. 3) And I'm now a follower. Stellar giveaway!

    70. 1 - Love that we get 4 seasons here in Iowa!
      2 - A kindergarten teacher explains to her class that she is an Iowa State Cyclone. She asks her students to raise their hands if they are Cyclones too.
      No one really knows what a Cyclone is, but wanting to be like their teacher their hands explode into the air like fleshy fireworks. There is, however, one exception. A girl named Kristen has not gone along with the crowd. The teacher asks her why she has decided to be different.

      "Because I'm not a Cyclone."

      "Then," asks the teacher, "what are you?"

      "Why, I'm a proud Iowa Hawkeye," boasts the little girl.

      The teacher is a little perturbed now, her face slightly red. She asks Kristen why she is a Hawkeye.

      "Well, my mom and dad are Hawkeyes, so I'm a Hawkeye too."

      The teacher is now angry. "That's no reason," she says loudly. "What if your mom was a moron, and your dad was a moron. What would you be then?"

      "Then," says Kristen, "I'd be a Cyclone."

      3 - I'll become your follower!! My sister follows you & I saw your blog on her page . I LOVE running so I figured I'd check out your blog! And, this looks like a great time to become a fan of yours!
      Rachael Lacina - Iowa City

    71. Hi kids! did I read this right? 500 days worth of delicious crunch???

      Remember that Nordic Skiing in Minnesota makes you feel FASSSST! (Remember that pair of All Conference Medals??)

      Love You! Mom

    72. Haven't I done enough following? Seems I traveled from snow bank to snow bank for years, and from the bottom of the Buffalo hill to the far end of the pond near Aldrich Arena (sometimes also in the snow) for the two of you!!... I followed your blog to places in Paris and Spain that I didn't get to go to. I keep your blog listed at the top of my web page so that I can see what you're saying about my son, Kier!! And make surer you're feeding him well. How about moving back to Minnesota and following me around for a while?? :) Or you can follow the kids and I can sit? See you soon! Barb

    73. I like the one about the best thing coming out of Iowa is I-35. The only better thing is when the two of you come out of Iowa on I-35 North. Better yet if you are driving a moving van! hmmm.. what can we do with that? "Why did the two Minnesotans drive north from Iowa with a moving van? Must be they didn't want the in-laws moving south! (The room can be painted teal, Kier.)" :) Can't believe you've done 500 blogs. Or that Nic stayed so long after we took him to Knoxville with all of those alarm clocks. Happy to share our snow with you! Love, Barb

    74. I live in Alberta, Canada and to me its the most beautiful place in the world. Within our province we've got just about every type of environment you could imagine, minus the ocean (one province to the left). Been to the US twice now but never Iowa although I was once offered a job there post-university. Sadly it didn't work out.

      Great giveaway!

    75. Had been following you via my google reader for a while but now I'm officially following you via the "Follow" option in blogger. :)

    76. Question about the giveaway - is it available to your "fans" to the north? And if so, is it possible, should I be oh so lucky to win, to split the prize? I won't be able to use the marathon entry, hotel room, or free dinner although it all sounds awesome.

    77. I am from Wisconsin...I think it is the seasons that I love the most. We got the beautiful snow, spring flowers, steamy summers and purdy fall leaves.

    78. Honestly, I've never heard any Iowa jokes...but I suppose a well used Illinois joke could work...

      FISHTAB - Fricking Illinois/Iowian Sh**head Towing a Boat

      ...sorry, just trying to win stuff!

    79. I already follow you in Google Reader, but I'm following you via blogger now.

    80. I've never heard any Iowa jokes, I'm from California though, so I have heard a lot of generic Midwest jokes. We live in New Jersey now, and it has a bad rep from NYer and people who have never been here. Not a problem for me, it's beautiful and the less people that know it the less people I have to deal with when I go hiking.

    81. I'm not a follower too! Pick me!
