Thursday, August 19, 2010

good time with old friends

On Tuesday night Nic and I headed up to the "big city" to meet up with an old friend, Diana, and her husband John.

Kier and Diana at Mondos

Diana and Nic go way back - to elementary school in fact! However, they really didn't know each other.

Diana and myself go way back to middle school where we, together with Laura, were lovers of all things Spice Girls.  :)

Diana ditched the CR scene in high school, but we still managed to run into each other, literally, as we both ran cross country and distance track. We also braved the fridgid temps of Minnesota, donned the lovely spandex in order to ski uphill.

Kier and Diana

Okay, so I was really trying to dig up a spandex photo...but I am working and don't have time to dig through all of our old photos.  May have to get Barb to look one up for me...?? :)  You know the one I want Barb - Giants Ridge, starting line, Diana and I mentally preparing for the triple climb...

We are looking forward to re-getting to know Diana and John as they plan to live in Iowa while John completes his PhD!

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