Last night Nic and I headed to the bustling town of Ainsworth for the the annual Brinton Film Festival. Frank and Indiana Brinton managed the Graham Opera House in Washington (now the State Theater) in late 1800's to early 1900's. They were thought of as a very odd couple to many, but some argue that they were simple ahead of their time. The loved to travel and entertain, and often did so with some of the short movies and slides that we were able to view last night.
It was very fun, and fun that you can only have in the area - the films we saw last night are only available here and in the National Archives in D.C.
This morning, we were up at 5:15 getting ready for an 11 mile run (me) and 15 mile bike ride (Nic). We drove out to the next town to meet up with another rider and to hit up another part of the trail that we normally use.
What a beautiful morning!

My run was pretty darn amazing, as you can see from my splits below. The only time I felt sluggish was during the last 3 miles. At that point, I knew Nic would already be back at the car and was praying that he would loop back to ride the last few miles of my run. Nope! But boy, did I ever need some fuel for those last miles! Might have to carry some with me next time instead of totally relaying on my "pack mule!"
mile 1 - 8:12
mile 2 - 8:07
mile 3 - 8:03
mile 4 - 8:01
mile 5 - 8:05
mile 6 - 8:03
mile 7 - 8:14 (walking break)
mile 8 - 8:40 (2 walking breaks)
mile 9 - 8:23 (walking break)
mile 10 - 9:02 (where the F is Nic????)
mile 11 - 8:50 (almost done, but dying!)
cool down (.11 miles) - 16:41
total distance: 11.11 miles
average pace: 8:25
I think I am way more of a distance runner (which is really good considering I am training for a marathon), because on the days where I have 3-5 mile runs on the schedule, it seems really hard to hit splits like those above... Anyone else have that happen to them?

See the "honey" sign? That is were we get our honey from! Love me some local honey! :)
Post run we hit up Hy-Vee for some breakfast supplies and $55 later were out the door and headed home! (You know they tell you never to shop on an empty stomach, I am going to add never to shop after a long run!)
Sunday mornings, to me, are supposed to be relaxing, lazy and slow. You are supposed to make breakfast and then sit at the table for hours with the paper and a mug of coffee enjoying the morning. Sunday mornings, to Nic, are meant for eating breakfast really quick and then cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. We are such opposites!
This was totally the case this morning, but it works. I sit enjoying my never ending mug of coffee while Nic cleans...it is quite lovely. :)
The rest of the day involves a bit more cleaning, walking the pup and a trip to Knoxville for a company BBQ with Nic's co-workers. Hopefully it is a very relaxing day as tomorrow marks day 1 of my three + weeks from hell! Not really, but I have a lot to do! A Relay in the very most SE tip of Iowa on Friday, followed by my cousins wedding - 10 hours away and somewhere in there, finding some time to fit in a 6 and 12 mile run! Oh joy...
I loved everything about this post, except when you didn't mention that you were moving back to Minnesota.